ResEdit is a nice resource file editor for Windows programs. Regrettably, it has some issues with the latest versions of the Windows SDK (8.0 and 8.1) – it’s possible to create a resource script (.rc
) file, but you won’t be able to open it again later. Even if %PROGRAMFILES(x86)%Windows Kits8.1Include
is set as include path, symbols like VOS_NT_WINDOWS32
(defined in verrsrc.h
) won’t be resolved and you’ll get ‘undeclared identifier’ errors if your resource script contains them.
Use an earlier version of the Windows SDK (like 7.1) and ResEdit has no problem reading the header files.
For reference, I’m successfully using the following include paths:
%PROGRAMFILES(x86)%Microsoft SDKsWindowsv7.1AInclude
%PROGRAMFILES(x86)%Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0VCinclude
It’s not just me experiencing this issue:
‘ResEdit started to be Annoying‘ (January 2012)
‘Resedit Problem‘ (June 2014)